Hard Quiz (2016) : 7x9
Diego Maradona, George W. Bush, the Harry Potter movies & bricks
30 Min.
Tom Gleeson is hanging on to the Big Brass Mug until one expert can prove they deserve it with their knowledge of soccer legend Diego Maradona, US President George W. Bush, the Harry Potter movies, or bricks!
7 - 1
7 - 2
7 - 3Leon Trotsky, 'The Fast and the Furious', Bananas & The Sun February 16, 2022
7 - 4Deep Purple, the Isle of Wight, E.T. & the Super Netball League February 23, 2022
7 - 5
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7 - 10
7 - 11
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7 - 16The Bible, Weimaraners, Green Day & Puberty Blues June 01, 2022
7 - 17Father Ted, Arnott's biscuits, Final Fantasy & Jackie O September 28, 2022
7 - 18
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7 - 21
7 - 22Battle of the Duds November 02, 2022
7 - 23The Phantom, Love Actually, Republican China & Eddie McGuire November 09, 2022
7 - 24Bruce Springsteen, musical Hamilton & Japanese artist Hokusai November 16, 2022