"Tulia, Texas" interviews a former undercover drug officer accused of targeting the black community with racially motivated drug sting. "Musically Speaking" talks to a young musical savant named Rex. "Eminent Domain" investigates the controversial practice of government forcing private citizens to sell their homes and businesses. "Andy Rooney" talks about the Democratic candidates for president.
36 - 1Tulia, Texas/Musically Speaking/Eminent Domain September 28, 2003
36 - 2Dr. Sam Waksal/Skull and Bones/For Love of Money October 05, 2003
36 - 3Cooking the Books/How Many Miles to the Gallon?/Sainthood October 12, 2003
36 - 4Gimme Shelter/Nation Building/The Case Against Dr. Butler October 19, 2003
36 - 5Terror in Moscow/Yucca Mountain/Undercover Marketing October 26, 2003
36 - 6An Island of Sanity/Pirates of the Internet/Mary J November 02, 2003
36 - 7Jessica Lynch's Hero/Arafat's Billions/Mr. Feinberg November 09, 2003
36 - 8
36 - 9Porn in the U.S./Still Fighting/Howard Hughes/Jeopardy! November 23, 2003
36 - 36Chemical Plant Insecurity/Skull and Bones/Barbara Cook June 14, 2004