When the Council won't budge, when the Ministry won't reply, when the Managing Director snubs you, do you say, "That's life," and give up ? Or do you turn to this programme: a late night collection of the jokes, dramas and problems that happen in real life ? Songs by Cheryl Kennedy.
1 - 1Episode 1 May 26, 1973
1 - 2Episode 2 June 02, 1973
1 - 3Episode 3 June 09, 1973
1 - 4Episode 4 June 16, 1973
1 - 5Episode 5 June 23, 1973
1 - 6Episode 6 June 30, 1973
1 - 7Episode 7 July 07, 1973
1 - 8Episode 8 July 14, 1973
1 - 9Episode 9 July 21, 1973
1 - 10Episode 10 July 28, 1973
1 - 11Episode 11 August 04, 1973
1 - 12Episode 12 August 11, 1973
1 - 13Episode 13 August 18, 1973