American Idol (2002) : 3x6
The Road is to Hollywood! (Is Paved with Broken Dreams. And Asphalt.)
85 Min.
Today's show is about the lost contestants that auditioned, but we never got to see...some pretty bad ones, i'm glad that we didn't see them at first...Ouch!
3 - 1First Show, First Recap January 19, 2004
3 - 2The Journey Continues! January 20, 2004
3 - 3Night Three! January 21, 2004
3 - 4Finally! A Show About California! January 27, 2004
3 - 5Mokolokilikilanilaki! It's Hawai'i! January 28, 2004
3 - 6The Road is to Hollywood! (Is Paved with Broken Dreams. And Asphalt.) February 02, 2004
3 - 7You're Going to Hollywood! (For a Little Bit, At Least.) February 03, 2004
3 - 887 - People Not Good Enough = 32 Finalists! February 04, 2004
3 - 9Sing! February 10, 2004
3 - 10Two Will Be Happy. Six Will Be Sad. Lots Will Be Watching. February 11, 2004
3 - 11Sing Again! February 17, 2004
3 - 12The Final Decision...But The Right One? February 18, 2004
3 - 13I'm Back, Baby! February 24, 2004
3 - 14You! Over here! With the rest of the finalists! February 25, 2004
3 - 15Uncut, Uncensored and Untalented March 01, 2004
3 - 16Group Four! Then the Wild Card! March 02, 2004
3 - 17Finally! Finalists! March 03, 2004
3 - 18Wild Card Round (1) March 09, 2004
3 - 19Wild Card Round (2) March 10, 2004
3 - 2012 Finalists Have Been Chosen March 16, 2004
3 - 21Clay Aiken Returns March 17, 2004
3 - 221 Down 11 To Go March 23, 2004
3 - 23Soon There Will Be 10 March 24, 2004
3 - 2410 Contestants sing March 30, 2004
3 - 2510 - 1 = 9 March 31, 2004
3 - 26Elton John theme April 06, 2004
3 - 27Tamyra Gray returns April 07, 2004
3 - 288 left to compete April 14, 2004
3 - 29Down to 7 (Battle of the Jo(h)n's) April 15, 2004
3 - 307 sing!! April 20, 2004
3 - 316 remain - Barry Manilow visits April 21, 2004
3 - 326 perform April 27, 2004
3 - 336-1=5 is the result April 28, 2004
3 - 34American Idol: The Final Five 2004 May 03, 2004
3 - 355 Idols sing May 04, 2004
3 - 36Only 4 remain May 05, 2004
3 - 374 Idols perform May 11, 2004
3 - 38Only 3 Idols remain May 12, 2004
3 - 39The Final 3 2004 May 17, 2004
3 - 403 sing May 18, 2004
3 - 41Now Down To 2 May 19, 2004
3 - 42American Idol: The Phenomenon May 23, 2004
3 - 43Fantasia Barrino vs. Diana DeGarmo May 25, 2004
3 - 44And The Winner Is..... May 26, 2004
3 - 45Kelly, Ruben & Fantasia: Home for Christmas November 24, 2004