A humorous debut for this hit reality show series. It showed three judges, which were Randy,Paula, and Simon, getting starting to search for the next American Idol. They went to different cities, in each one picking 30 to move on to the next round.Faced with some that were great preformers, or the most talentless people you've ever seen. In the end thouh, successfully they found over a 100 people for the next round.
1 - 1Auditions June 11, 2002
1 - 2Hollywood Week June 12, 2002
1 - 3
1 - 4Dewey Defeats Truman! June 19, 2002
1 - 5Army Of The Mediocre June 25, 2002
1 - 6Six Pack June 26, 2002
1 - 7The Bad, The Even Worse and The Ugly July 02, 2002
1 - 8Judge Fight! July 03, 2002
1 - 9Wild! July 10, 2002
1 - 10The Live Album! July 17, 2002
1 - 11Top 10 Results July 16, 2002
1 - 12Pride Goeth Before The ‘Fro July 23, 2002
1 - 13Clash of the Titanic Egos July 24, 2002
1 - 14The Big Time! July 30, 2002
1 - 15Ryan-ara! July 31, 2002
1 - 16Jump, Jive and Fail! August 06, 2002
1 - 17Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! August 07, 2002
1 - 18Five Alive (And An Assortment Of Other Bad Puns) August 13, 2002
1 - 19RJ is Short for "Really Gone" August 14, 2002
1 - 20Two for Each One August 20, 2002
1 - 21What? Who? You're Sure now? August 21, 2002
1 - 22Three Do Two August 27, 2002
1 - 23Two More August 28, 2002
1 - 24Showdown! September 03, 2002
1 - 25EL FINALE! September 04, 2002