An old man dies in a sanatorium, Valleyview, seemingly of a coronary. His grandson doesn't think that he could have died that way and pays for the Medical Examiners office to do an autopsy. Quincy does the autopsy and tells David, the grandson, that there is nothing unusual about the death. All is done with until a young girl, Anne Freedman, dies at the sanatorium as well. Again the cause of death is not clear and Quincy begins to think that maybe someone is performing ‘mercy killings' on patients that are in pain.
2 - 1Snake Eyes (1) February 04, 1977
2 - 2Snake Eyes (2) February 04, 1977
2 - 3... The Thigh Bone's Connected to the Knee Bone ... February 11, 1977
2 - 4Visitors in Paradise February 18, 1977
2 - 5The Two Sides of Truth February 25, 1977
2 - 6Hit and Run at Danny's March 11, 1977
2 - 7Has Anybody Here Seen Quincy? March 18, 1977
2 - 8A Good Smack in the Mouth April 15, 1977
2 - 9The Hot Dog Murder April 22, 1977
2 - 10An Unfriendly Radiance April 29, 1977
2 - 11Sullied Be Thy Name May 06, 1977
2 - 12Valleyview May 13, 1977
2 - 13Let Me Light the Way May 27, 1977