The competing chefs are challenged to make a scrumptious soup-and-sandwich duo for every round. In the appetizer round, they set out to make dunkable, slurpable creations while utilizing an unusual egg in the basket. In round two, duck bones in the basket seem to hint at the competitors making a stock, but they're short on time. The last two competitors break into a dessert basket that includes prunes in a form the chefs wouldn't ordinarily consume.
46 - 1Beasts and Bourbon July 14, 2020
46 - 2Here to Persevere! August 11, 2020
46 - 3Skilfish Coping Skills August 18, 2020
46 - 4Booza Blues August 25, 2020
46 - 5Sweet and Sour Notes September 01, 2020
46 - 6Pass the Popcorn Shoots September 08, 2020
46 - 7Plumb Loco Moco September 15, 2020
46 - 8Soup and Sandwich Savvy September 22, 2020
46 - 9Want a Gnocchi Sandwich? September 29, 2020
46 - 10Finer Diner Dining October 06, 2020
46 - 11Pancake Panic October 13, 2020
46 - 12Fries and Thighs October 20, 2020
46 - 13Dressed for Success October 27, 2020