The chefs race the clock as they attempt to bring dynamic flavors to their dishes including a creative take on poke and some special seafood in round one. A piece of pork not found at your average grocery store is a strange discovery in the entree basket. Finally, the competitors who make it all the way to the dessert round must work with a salty and sweet snack.
42 - 1Thanksgiving Pie, Oh My! November 20, 2018
42 - 2Weird, Wacky, and Wild! September 17, 2019
42 - 3Sweet and Salty Success January 07, 2020
42 - 4Chopped U. January 14, 2020
42 - 5B.L.D.: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! January 28, 2020
42 - 6Smokin' Skills February 04, 2020
42 - 7Clambake Stakes February 18, 2020
42 - 8Poke Power June 02, 2020
42 - 9Grills On! Game On! July 09, 2019
42 - 10Hotdog Hotshots July 16, 2019