Never stop cooking -- a seventy-something chef who blew off retirement to return to the stove is among the four chefs competing! In the appetizer round, he and the rest of the group must make trout dishes that also include dill pickle soup. A weirdly spicy beer is one of the entree basket ingredients. Then, dough and sugar in the dessert basket seem to give the finalists a head start, but looks can be deceiving!
29 - 1Fried Chicken Time August 07, 2016
29 - 2Snail Snafus August 09, 2016
29 - 3Hot Doggin' August 14, 2016
29 - 4Souper Chefs August 16, 2016
29 - 5Chili Cook-Off August 21, 2016
29 - 6Teen Tournament: Battle 1 August 23, 2016
29 - 7Teen Tournament: Battle 2 August 30, 2016
29 - 8Teen Tournament: Battle 3 September 06, 2016
29 - 9Teen Tournament: Battle 4 September 13, 2016
29 - 10Teen Tournament: Finale Fight September 20, 2016
29 - 11Twins for the Win September 08, 2016
29 - 12Naan the Wiser September 15, 2016
29 - 13Worst Cooks Challenge September 27, 2016