Back to take it! Four previous Chopped runners-up compete to see which one can finally walk away the winner. The competition gets off to a sweet start, with sweetbreads. But in the entrée round, root beer schnapps in the basket proves very problematic for one chef. And the judges are on the edge of their seats for a very tense dessert match-up.
10 - 1The Big Scoop December 20, 2011
10 - 2Chop on Through January 03, 2012
10 - 3Far Far Out! January 10, 2012
10 - 4Frozen Fries with That? January 17, 2012
10 - 5Redemption Competition January 24, 2012
10 - 6On the Line January 31, 2012
10 - 7Viewers' Choice April 03, 2012
10 - 8All Stars: Iron Chefs Do Battle April 08, 2012
10 - 9All Stars: Prime Time vs. Day Time April 15, 2012
10 - 10All Stars: Food Network Star Contestants April 22, 2012
10 - 11All Stars: Judge Remix April 29, 2012
10 - 12All Stars: Grand Finale May 06, 2012
10 - 13Grilltastic! May 29, 2012