Everybody prepares to go out to Long Island for the elder Gellers' 35th wedding anniversary party. Monica struggles to prepare the perfect toast that would make everybody cry. Meanwhile, Ross and Rachel discover that his parents have told people they're married and they decide to just go along with it for the night. However, Rachel gets carried away a little telling stories about their "wedding" that didn't happen. Also, Phoebe invites her new boyfriend, Parker, who is extremely enthusiastic.
8 - 1The One After "I Do" September 27, 2001
8 - 2The One with the Red Sweater October 04, 2001
8 - 3The One Where Rachel Tells... October 11, 2001
8 - 4The One with the Videotape October 18, 2001
8 - 5The One with Rachel's Date October 25, 2001
8 - 6The One with the Halloween Party November 01, 2001
8 - 7The One with the Stain November 08, 2001
8 - 8The One with the Stripper November 15, 2001
8 - 9The One with the Rumor November 22, 2001
8 - 10The One with Monica's Boots December 06, 2001
8 - 11The One with Ross's Step Forward December 13, 2001
8 - 12The One Where Joey Dates Rachel January 10, 2002
8 - 13The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath January 17, 2002
8 - 14The One with the Secret Closet January 31, 2002
8 - 15The One with the Birthing Video February 07, 2002
8 - 16The One Where Joey Tells Rachel February 28, 2002
8 - 17The One with the Tea Leaves March 07, 2002
8 - 18The One in Massapequa March 28, 2002
8 - 19The One with Joey's Interview April 04, 2002
8 - 20The One with the Baby Shower April 25, 2002
8 - 21The One with the Cooking Class May 02, 2002
8 - 22The One Where Rachel Is Late May 09, 2002
8 - 23The One Where Rachel Has a Baby May 16, 2002