The competition is getting tougher. There are still five teams in the race that are very much being tested today. The first assignment is one that the builders really dislike. And if that is not enough, they have to get all their construction skills and architectural insight for assignment 2. They have to build the strongest bridge possible. A truck must be able to drive over it! The bridge that can carry the most weight wins.
1 - 1Episode 1 April 11, 2020
1 - 2Episode 2 April 18, 2020
1 - 3Episode 3 April 25, 2020
1 - 4Dream Apartment May 02, 2020
1 - 5Build a bridge May 09, 2020
1 - 6Story Time May 16, 2020
1 - 7Time Travel May 23, 2020
1 - 8Final May 30, 2020