Seasons and episodes
Season 7 April 02, 2010
7 - 308
7 - 309
7 - 310
7 - 311
7 - 312Dororo, Invasion is My Mission! / Koyuki`s Se-cre-t April 30, 2010
7 - 313
7 - 314
7 - 315
7 - 316
7 - 317Keroro, Viper Search! / Giroro, Soldier in the Closet June 04, 2010
7 - 318Dororo, the Man of the Mask / Mois, Black Visitor June 11, 2010
7 - 319Mois, Genius Hacker? / Kururu, Small Old Clock June 18, 2010
7 - 320Natsumi: A Yearning Invader! / Pururu, June`s Bride? June 25, 2010
7 - 321
7 - 322
7 - 323
7 - 324Natsumi, Presses It! / Keroro, Invader Level Check July 23, 2010
7 - 325
7 - 326
7 - 327Keroro, Super Hero! / Keroro, Invasion in a Blink! August 13, 2010
7 - 328Momoka, Becoming Normal / Paul`s Day Off August 20, 2010
7 - 329Fuyuki Worried! / Natsumi, the Ocean Isn`t Large or Big August 27, 2010
7 - 330556, Unluckiest Partner / Koyuki, First Curry September 03, 2010
7 - 331Natsumi, One Week Without Anger / Keroro, Invasion is a Second Stomach? September 10, 2010
7 - 332Fuyuki, Butterfly Person Appears? / Giroro, Uninvited Guest September 17, 2010
7 - 333Momoka, Mood of the Starry Sky / Keroro, Little Hair of Luck September 24, 2010
7 - 334
7 - 335
7 - 336
7 - 337Keroro, Flowers for Algernainon / Giroro, Oh! Ferocious Ox October 22, 2010
7 - 338Koyuki, Day of Halloween / Koyuki vs Alisa, Duel of the Ocean Depths October 29, 2010
7 - 339Keroro, Red Light of Fear / Keroro, Invasion Plus Minus November 05, 2010
7 - 340Aki, Real Ramen / Joriri, False Ramen November 12, 2010
7 - 341Keroro, Restroom Survival / Keroro vs Giroro vs Tamama vs Dororo November 19, 2010
7 - 342Keroro, Birth! New Final Technique! / Natsumi Going Through November 26, 2010
7 - 343556, Space Sheriff / Lavie, Leave it to Me December 03, 2010
7 - 344Pururu, Pekopon Love Tour / Alisa & Momoka, Women`s Battle December 10, 2010
7 - 345
7 - 346Keroro, Rejected Operation Bouquet / Keroro, Dear Natsumi December 24, 2010
7 - 347Keroro, Invader`s Aura / Dororon? Tamama-kun December 31, 2010
7 - 348Fuyuki, Birth! Jerseyman Fuyuki / Keroro, the Great Throat Candies January 07, 2011
7 - 349Keroro, Invading Daily Life / Keroro, Hooray For Reset January 14, 2011
7 - 350
7 - 351This Time is Gero Gero 15 Minutes / Giroro, Show Me January 28, 2011
7 - 352Nabebe, Yaminabe Magistrate / Natsumi, 623`s Identity February 04, 2011
7 - 353Spirit-chan, I`ll Rest in Peace / Giroro, Even After Dreaming Time February 11, 2011
7 - 354Keroro, Visitor from the Future / 623, Tragedy of the Radio Star February 18, 2011
7 - 355Ouka Resigns / Keroro Must Survive February 25, 2011
7 - 356
7 - 357Hinata Family, Haru Returns March 11, 2011
7 - 358
Season 6 April 01, 2009
6 - 257Keroro, First Encounter Revisited! April 01, 2009
6 - 258
6 - 259Koyuki, Cherry Blossom Trouble! April 15, 2009
6 - 260
6 - 261Momoka, The Big Seat Change Plan Kogoro / My Feelings! April 29, 2009
6 - 262
6 - 263
6 - 264
6 - 265Giroro, Remote-Controlled Date/Keroro, Pu's Doubts May 27, 2009
6 - 266
6 - 267Keroro, Big Air Anything Operation/Keroro, Motel June 10, 2009
6 - 268Kero Zero, Enter Pekoponian Mecha Designer Kiko Katoyama June 17, 2009
6 - 269
6 - 270Chibi Kero vs. Chibi Fuyuki July 01, 2009
6 - 271
6 - 272
6 - 273
6 - 274Keroro Platoon, Under Keroro! July 29, 2009
6 - 275Keroro, Keron-Style Golf/Keroro, Run Keroro August 05, 2009
6 - 276Keroro, The Admiral Attacks!/Giroro, It's This Zipper August 12, 2009
6 - 277Kero Zero, Space Catering/Kero Zero, Formula for Eating August 19, 2009
6 - 278Ghost Girl, Before-After/Giroro, the Red Fairy August 26, 2009
6 - 279Alisa's First Time with Mama!? September 02, 2009
6 - 280Keroro & Natsumi, Ruthless Stamp Card/Keroro, Sad Kerobot September 09, 2009
6 - 281Keroro, Cicada Platoon/Keroro, Ribbit Day September 16, 2009
6 - 282Momoka, Sudden Dance of Flames/Kero Zero, All Quiet on the Fig Front September 23, 2009
6 - 283Keroro, 5 Shocked Keronians/Fuyuki, Planet of the Humans September 30, 2009
6 - 284Dororo, Farewell Platoon October 07, 2009
6 - 285
6 - 286
6 - 287
6 - 288Keroro, Kappa Legend/Keroro, Welcome Back November 04, 2009
6 - 289Giroro, Red Devil of the Battlefield/Keroro, Is That Really a Lie? November 11, 2009
6 - 290
6 - 291Alisa & Nevula, First Hot Spring/Keroro Platoon, Struggle! Torinoichi November 25, 2009
6 - 292Natsumi, Secret of the Dresser/Keroro, You Were in my Dream December 02, 2009
6 - 293Again Gero Gero 30 Minutes December 09, 2009
6 - 294Yoshiokadaira, Bodyguard Elegy/Natsumi, Christmas Party Operation December 16, 2009
6 - 295
6 - 296Keroro, New Year's Lucky Haste/Keroro, This Year Is Keron Year! December 30, 2009
6 - 297Keroro, Just One Chance/Dangale Lands January 06, 2010
6 - 298Mois, Goodbye Pekopon/Saburo, The Mysterious Boy January 13, 2010
6 - 299Giroro, Take Down G-Force!/Giroro, G-Force's Counterattack January 20, 2010
6 - 300Onono, Illusionary Keron Soldie January 27, 2010
6 - 301
6 - 302Keroro, I'm A Director!/Keroro & Fuyuki, Small Adventure In a Big City February 10, 2010
6 - 303Kero Zero, My Home is Pekopon February 17, 2010
6 - 304Keroro, Please Give Me That Back! February 24, 2010
6 - 305Nobibi Came! March 03, 2010
6 - 306Shugo Kero, Dokki Doki Party!/Dororo, Doro is Coming! March 10, 2010
6 - 307Keroro & Fuyuki, Night of the Time Capsule March 17, 2010
Season 5 April 05, 2008
5 - 206
5 - 207Keroro, Build A Company!/Mother, Come With Cherry Blossoms April 12, 2008
5 - 208Giroro, A Man's Backup/Keroro, Mobile Profit Big Plan April 19, 2008
5 - 209Koyuki, I'll Stop Being A Shinobi April 26, 2008
5 - 210
5 - 211Musha Kero, Volume 1: Legendary Hero May 10, 2008
5 - 212
5 - 213Momoka, Reclaim Tomorrow! May 24, 2008
5 - 214Kululu, I Quit/Pururu, Nurse In Love May 31, 2008
5 - 215
5 - 216
5 - 217
5 - 218Chibi Kero, When Your Ear is Stolen/Keroro, Caries War 2 June 28, 2008
5 - 219
5 - 220
5 - 221Momoka, Decision on Sunday/Giroro, Decision on Sunday July 19, 2008
5 - 222
5 - 223
5 - 224Keroro, That's Right, Celebrity Resort August 09, 2008
5 - 225Tamama, Beautiful Dive!/Keroro, The Best Pekoponian Suit August 16, 2008
5 - 226Fuyuki, From a Distant Ocean Came a Turtle August 23, 2008
5 - 227Keroro and Natsumi, One Room August 30, 2008
5 - 228Meruru, Postal Ser~vice!/Fuyuki, A Break in the Parking Area September 06, 2008
5 - 229Keroro, Killer Fist of Words!/Saburo and Kululu, Silent Fight September 13, 2008
5 - 230Momoka, Big Operation: Love Savings/Zeroro, I Finally Found Kikaka September 20, 2008
5 - 231Musha Kero: Volume 3, Big Explosion, Close Call For Princess Momo September 27, 2008
5 - 232Keroro, Board Robbing/Keroro, He~ro~es October 04, 2008
5 - 233Aki, A Little Over Than Editor! October 11, 2008
5 - 234Keroro, TV Projector Big Plan/Keroro, Invade By How-To Book October 18, 2008
5 - 235Fuyuki and The Plesiosaur October 25, 2008
5 - 236Keroro, Chewing Gum?/Tamama, Tamama Tango November 01, 2008
5 - 237Musha Kero, Volume 4: Go West, Musha Kero Platoon November 08, 2008
5 - 238Keroro, Attack! Hint Age Difference Ultra Hammer/Dororo, Big Change! November 15, 2008
5 - 239Natsumi, Is it A Love Triangle?/Pururu, Big Marriage Meeting Plan! November 22, 2008
5 - 240Kululu, Excellent Sergeant Major/Keroro, Morning of Legends November 29, 2008
5 - 241Kogoro, Now I Can't Tell You/Keroro, Cleaning Eternally! December 06, 2008
5 - 242Keroro, Ceiling Walker/Keroro, Self-Consciousness Invasion December 13, 2008
5 - 243Keroro, The Battlefield is a Merry Christmas December 20, 2008
5 - 244Keroro, Graffiti Dweller/Keroro, Great Tumult Through Another Year December 27, 2008
5 - 245Keroro, New Year Invasion Plans!/Kogoro, Scratched Helmet January 03, 2009
5 - 246Giroro, Special Gargling Training!/Keroro, Kero-Eraser! January 10, 2009
5 - 247Mois, Lipstick Slapstick/Keroro, Get Out! Keron Bar Field January 17, 2009
5 - 248
5 - 249Musha Kero, Volume 5: Keronian of the Hidden Fortress January 31, 2009
5 - 250Musha Kero, Volume 6: The Revived Hero!! February 07, 2009
5 - 251Kogoro and Kobayashi! February 14, 2009
5 - 252Keroro, Let's Go to the Movies! February 21, 2009
5 - 253Keroro, The Incredible Keroro/Keroro, Black-Phone Investigator 66 February 28, 2009
5 - 254Fuyuki, Trunks versus Briefs/Garuru, Obscured Feelings!? March 07, 2009
5 - 255
5 - 256Fuyuki and Natsumi, Keroro Invasion!/Keroro, That's a~Lie♪ March 14, 2009
Season 3 April 07, 2006
3 - 104
3 - 105
3 - 106
3 - 107
3 - 108
3 - 109
3 - 110
3 - 111
3 - 112
3 - 113
3 - 114
3 - 115
3 - 116Keroro: Get The Glimmerbath / Mois: Uncle Diary June 30, 2006
3 - 117
3 - 118
3 - 119
3 - 120
3 - 121Dororo & Kunoichi Karara: Appearing in a Wind Rush August 04, 2006
3 - 122Kululu: The Cursed DVD / Natsumi: Everything's Banned August 11, 2006
3 - 123The Hinata Family's Homecoming / Tamama and the Turtle August 18, 2006
3 - 124Keroro: A Summer Treasure August 25, 2006
3 - 125
3 - 126Keroro & Natsumi: Who's The Hero?! September 08, 2006
3 - 127
3 - 128Keroro's Last Resort: Praying to the Gods? September 22, 2006
3 - 129Kiruru: The Messenger of Destruction September 29, 2006
3 - 130
3 - 131Giroro: A Secret Day Off / Baio: Control Sports Day October 13, 2006
3 - 132Dororo: Catalysts are Important / Natsumi: My Bluebird October 20, 2006
3 - 133Alisa, the Dark Hunter: Hell Breaks Loose at Halloween October 27, 2006
3 - 134
3 - 135
3 - 136Aki: War at the Hot Spring / Keroro: Let's Go! Keroro Bread November 17, 2006
3 - 137
3 - 138Keroro: The Keroro Show / Fuyuki & Chiruyo: KGS Once Again December 01, 2006
3 - 139556: Inner-Tokyo is a Man's Battlefield December 08, 2006
3 - 140Keroro Platoon: Operation Year-end Adjustment / Keroro: One Man's Battle December 15, 2006
3 - 141Keroro: Inner-Tokyo Ice Age: Alisa Has Come December 22, 2006
3 - 142
3 - 143Keroro: A Miracle?! Keroro's Father / The Hinata House Sinks January 12, 2007
3 - 144Keroro Iron Mask Legend: The Mysterious Deka-Mimi (Huge Ears) January 19, 2007
3 - 145
3 - 146Do You Remember Pluto? February 02, 2007
3 - 147Paul: A Butler's Duty / Giroro: Who Gave It to Me? February 09, 2007
3 - 148Koyuki in Historical Wonderland / Keroro: Let's Pounce on Chuubei-sama February 16, 2007
3 - 149Alisa: Aliens vs. Monsters February 23, 2007
3 - 150Giroro: Time to Set Out March 02, 2007
3 - 151
3 - 152Keroro: Shutsubotsu! Adplanetic Tengoku March 16, 2007
3 - 153Keroro: Kero-Kero Operation No. 100 March 23, 2007
3 - 154Keroro: Farewell, Sergeant Keroro March 30, 2007
Season 2 April 01, 2005
2 - 52Keroro Standing on Earth Once Again! / Tamama, Black Tamama April 01, 2005
2 - 53
2 - 54Fuyuki: I'm a Master Detective? / Dororo: Warrior Returned April 15, 2005
2 - 55
2 - 56
2 - 57
2 - 58
2 - 59
2 - 60
2 - 61
2 - 62
2 - 63
2 - 64
2 - 65
2 - 66
2 - 67
2 - 68
2 - 69
2 - 70
2 - 71
2 - 72
2 - 73Fuyuki: 198X — Our Summer Break August 26, 2005
2 - 74A Special Show That'll Blow Your Mind: 30 Minutes of Gerogero September 02, 2005
2 - 75Momoka's Awakening! The Third Momoka September 09, 2005
2 - 76The Keroro Platoon: Fly Me to the Moon September 16, 2005
2 - 77
2 - 78Keroro: Treasure Hunting Has Got to Be on a Treasure Island September 30, 2005
2 - 79Fuyuki Won't Give Up On Sports Day / Giroro: The Cat Knows October 07, 2005
2 - 80Keroro: Wow, Running Away from Home Is... Really Lonely, Isn't It? October 14, 2005
2 - 81
2 - 82
2 - 83Keroro: The Mixed Open Air Hot Spring Murder Case November 04, 2005
2 - 84Momoka: Let's Have Lunch in Space / Keroro Hunts Matsutakes November 11, 2005
2 - 85
2 - 86
2 - 87Keroro: Celebrate! Happy Birthday / Mois in Wonderland December 02, 2005
2 - 88
2 - 89
2 - 90Keroro: I Couldn't Say Merry Christmas December 23, 2005
2 - 91
2 - 92
2 - 93
2 - 94Karara & Taruru: Let's Take Pekopon January 27, 2006
2 - 95Natsumi: Giroro Falls? The Do-Or-Die Rescue Operation February 03, 2006
2 - 96
2 - 97
2 - 98Momoka: Operation Elopment / Dororo & Koyuki: Memories of Meeting February 24, 2006
2 - 99Natsumi: Famous Dog Natchi / Keroro: Keropper March 03, 2006
2 - 100Keroro: Huh? Who Am I? Who Are You? March 10, 2006
2 - 101Keroro Platoon: The Day Pekopon Stood Still?! March 17, 2006
2 - 102Keroro Platoon: Pekopon! A Dying Planet Of Love March 24, 2006
2 - 103Keroro Platoon: One More Final: I Need You March 31, 2006
Season 1 April 03, 2004
1 - 1I Am Sergeant Keroro! / Sergeant Keroro Rising April 03, 2004
1 - 2
1 - 3
1 - 4
1 - 5The Song of Men Who Love Their Toys May 01, 2004
1 - 6
1 - 7
1 - 8
1 - 9
1 - 10Face-off! Decisive Battle Over Molar-3 June 05, 2004
1 - 11The Keroro Platoon Appears on TV June 12, 2004
1 - 12
1 - 13
1 - 14The Five Assemble! Probably The Longest Day July 03, 2004
1 - 15
1 - 16Mois: Dark Mois Descends / Mois: More and Mois Mayhem July 17, 2004
1 - 17
1 - 18Natsumi: Hilarity! Adult Beachside Story July 31, 2004
1 - 19
1 - 20Fuyuki Meets a Girl / Fuyuki: The Ambassador of Nontolma August 14, 2004
1 - 21
1 - 22Tamama: I'll be the Leader from Now On August 28, 2004
1 - 23Panic! The Hinata Household's Wildest Day Ever September 04, 2004
1 - 24
1 - 25Momoka: Love, Youth and a Hectic Getaway September 18, 2004
1 - 26Keroro: Everyone Unite! Let's Conquer Sports Day September 25, 2004
1 - 27
1 - 28Keroro: Snowball Fight Survival / Kululu's Kukuku & Ku October 09, 2004
1 - 29
1 - 30
1 - 31Keroro Can't Find the Way Home October 30, 2004
1 - 32
1 - 33The Keroro Platoon Invades Pekopon with Anime November 13, 2004
1 - 34
1 - 35Top Secret! Natsumi's Surprise Birthday Party November 27, 2004
1 - 36
1 - 37Dororo: Come to My Ninja School / Keroro's Dinosaur December 11, 2004
1 - 38Giroro: The Mobile Soldier in Love / Giroro vs. Natsumi: The Encounter December 18, 2004
1 - 39
1 - 40
1 - 41Keroro: The Glory of Sugoroku / Dororo's Blood is Really Boiling January 15, 2005
1 - 42
1 - 43Giroro: No Tears for the Red Oni / Giroro: Let Setsubun Fly January 29, 2005
1 - 44
1 - 45
1 - 46Keroro: Have You Been Forgotten, Sir? February 19, 2005
1 - 47Natsumi: Preserve Girls' Day / Keroro: It's an Afro, Myoww February 26, 2005
1 - 48
1 - 49
1 - 50
1 - 51The Keroro Platoon Retreats! Farewell, Pekopon March 26, 2005
Season 4 January 01, 1970
4 - 155Keroro Platoon in Top Form / Keroro Platoon: Major Resonance April 07, 2007
4 - 156
4 - 157
4 - 158Keroro: Past Glory / Giroro's Forbidden Memories April 28, 2007
4 - 159
4 - 160Momoka: The Best Mother's Day May 12, 2007
4 - 161Putata & Mekeke: Hissatsu Oshigotonin May 19, 2007
4 - 162Chibi Kero: Joriri of Back Then May 26, 2007
4 - 163
4 - 164
4 - 165
4 - 166
4 - 167
4 - 168
4 - 169
4 - 170
4 - 171Tamama: Rebel Without a Cause / Kululu: Home Alone? July 28, 2007
4 - 172Alisa & Fuyuki: UMA vs. Dangal August 04, 2007
4 - 173Keroro: Yamato and Capu, Sire! August 11, 2007
4 - 174
4 - 175
4 - 176Chibi-Kero: Farewell, Summer Vacation September 01, 2007
4 - 177Dokuku: Gas Keronian #1 / Keroro: The Top Gundam Man On Pekopon September 08, 2007
4 - 178Momoka: Ghost: Phantom of the Hinata House September 15, 2007
4 - 179Keroro Stands For Election / Natsumi & Giroro: The Two Who Couldn't Return September 22, 2007
4 - 180Keroro: Winner-Takes-All War September 29, 2007
4 - 181
4 - 182Keroro: Buried Treasure Special / Tamama Versus Tamama October 13, 2007
4 - 183Galulu's Annoying Vacation October 20, 2007
4 - 184Fuyuki: Occult School Festival / Natsumi: Romeo and Juliet? October 27, 2007
4 - 185Robobo: Operation Mechanization / Tamama: Dense Note November 03, 2007
4 - 186Alisa vs. "Invasion Goes Nowhere" Yokai November 10, 2007
4 - 187Keroro: Appreciate Labor / Keroro: Fight, Minorangers November 17, 2007
4 - 188Nuii: Don't Throw Me Away November 24, 2007
4 - 189Dororo: An Assassin From the Past December 01, 2007
4 - 190Giroro: Objective Present / Keroro's Huge Birthday Party December 08, 2007
4 - 191
4 - 192Keroro: Prevent Christmas / Keroro Platoon: Cake is a Man's Battleground December 22, 2007
4 - 193
4 - 194Toilets: Now is the Time to Stand / Kululu and the Puppy January 12, 2008
4 - 195
4 - 196It's Back! 30 Minutes of Gerogero January 26, 2008
4 - 197Zeroro: Too Many? / Keroro: I Want to Find a Hole and Dig It Up February 02, 2008
4 - 198
4 - 199Kululu: Kululun Idol Legend / Keroro Returns to His Roots February 16, 2008
4 - 200Keroro: Uruu Comes February 23, 2008
4 - 201
4 - 202Keroro: Fierce Battle! The Final Oshigotonin March 08, 2008
4 - 203Keroro: Final Showdown with Shurara March 15, 2008
4 - 204Robo 556 / Keroro & Natsumi: Shelter from the Rain March 22, 2008
4 - 205Keroro & Fuyuki: Another World March 29, 2008
Alien frogs come to take over the planet & get into all kinds of trouble while living under the roof of a small family.
SGT Frog